Thursday, December 27, 2007

Faith Equals Happiness

What are we all searching for in our lives? Life is not a search for happiness. You don't have to search for happiness, live your life the right way and happiness will be your reward. True happiness is always the by-product of a life well lived. We will also find happiness when we learn to get quiet and listen to our inner selves. We find happiness when we focus less on our personal problems and more on the needs of others. Try this simple one liner. I will let someone in today and feel the rush of happiness.

Faith grows with in our hearts. Life's difficulties are eased when we have faith. Faith is also the ability to grow and change. The way of faith is the way of everybody who really wants to live. This may help from one of the Hazelden Books: "I pray that my faith may be strengthened everyday. I pray that I may find confirmation of my life in the good things that have come into my life".

Also one from Joel Osteen's ~Your Best Life Now. "Choose to be happy. Choose to keep a good attitude. Remember, happiness is a choice you have to make. And even when you don't understand it, know that God is at work in you and He's working through you. Make up your mind that from today forward, you are going to bloom where you are planted and enjoy every single day of your life."

Good luck and may God bless on your daily ventures.

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